My family goes back to the early 1600s in New England...
My grandfather grew up with his 1st cousin President Calvin Coolidge in Plymouth Notch Vermont in the late 1800s. After attending Allegheny College in Pennsylvania where I majored in Theater I received a Master’s Degree in Educational Media from Boston University. As Director of Media Production for the General Electric Company I produced educational video programs that were sold internationally. After several years, I left to attend the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge Massachusetts and was ordained an Episcopal Priest. After this I received additional training and profession certifications in Spiritual Direction and Hospital Chaplaincy. In the past forty years, as a priest, chaplain, and counselor, I worked in acute and chronic care hospitals, prisons, nursing homes, psychiatric facilities, Spiritual Direction centers, and churches across New England. I am also a poverty attorney certified to practice law in Connecticut and New York and for many years practiced law as a priest attorney in one of the poorest cities in the country.